Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by emotional fluctuations. The person often alternates between periods of mania and depression.

During periods of mania, the person is overly energetic, hyperactive, and exuberant. The need for sleep decreases, the speed of speech increases and the flow of thought accelerates. Excessive self-confidence, grandiose thoughts and risky behaviors are also features of the mania period.

During periods of depression, the person experiences symptoms such as hopelessness, helplessness and loss of energy. Symptoms such as sleep and appetite disturbances, loss of interest, difficulty concentrating, feeling of worthlessness, suicidal thoughts or actions may occur. These periods usually last longer than manic periods.

The disease can begin in a certain life period and usually continues throughout life. Although the exact cause is unknown, many factors are thought to play a role, including genetic factors, imbalances in brain chemistry, and a combination of environmental factors.


Manic Period Symptoms:

Insomnia or the need for little sleep
Fast speaking and thinking
Constant movement or restlessness
Feeling extraordinary, powerful or superior
Claiming significant achievements or talents
Believing that a major project or plan will be accomplished
Difficulty focusing
Quick thinking and quickly switching between ideas
Difficulty completing tasks
Excessive spending or waste of money
Unprotected sex or excessive sexual activity
Engaging in risky business or investments
Drug or alcohol abuse
Depression Period Symptoms:

Constantly feeling tired
Lack of energy and fatigue
Changes in sleep patterns (oversleeping or inability to sleep)
Intense feeling of sadness, sadness and hopelessness
Loss of interest and pleasure
Withdrawal, anxiety and restlessness
Concentration difficulties and memory problems
Feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem
Difficulties in decision making
Thoughts of death or suicide
Loss of appetite or excessive appetite
Weight changes (rapid weight gain or weight loss)
Bipolar disorder is a manageable condition when properly diagnosed and appropriate treatments are applied. Treatment often includes a combination of medications (eg, mood stabilizers) and psychotherapy (eg, cognitive behavioral therapy). In addition, factors such as lifestyle adjustments, regular sleep patterns, stress management, and social support can improve patients’ health.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Beyhan Perim Secmen